Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Week 7- Digital Language Learning Material (DLLM)

Checkpoint 1: The example of language learning material

  •  Laptop, computer, camera, smartphone.
  •  Power-point, Prezi, Youtube.
  •  Schoology, Edmodo.
  • Twitter, Blog, Facebook, My Space.

Checkpoint 2: List down SLA theories and principles that support the DLLM

·Innatist theory·Behaviourist theory·Interactionist theory·Principles of teaching and learning

  • Materials should achieve impact
  • materials should help learners to feel at ease
  • materials should help learners to develop confidence
  • materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment
  • materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communication purposes
  • materials should take into account that Ls differ in learning styles
  • materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both left and right brain activities
  • materials should provide opportunities for outcome and feedback
  • materials should reflect the reality of language use

Checkpoint 3: sketch out a rough outline of your DLLM

a) Activity that emphasize on writing skills
Choose a poem or short story – read and summarize the poem / short story – students upload their work at

b) Activity that emphasize on speaking skills (focusing on pronunciation)
Students get into group – each group choose one short stories (restriction: each group must choose different short story) – each group will act the climax part of the short story and record it using camera, smartphone etc – transfer the video into disk/CD-ROM

Checkpoint 4: Criteria for technical usability

• Depends on how long a beginner use a system before they could learn a particular skills that needed them to complete a particular task.

• Measuring how well an experienced user handling an application after they have mastered it.

•The ability of an experienced user who has learned the particular system and are able to remember its operational principles.

•Divided into two, which are:
-less serious error= disturb the work of the user, and
-serious error=endanger the preservability of the users’ outputs.

Learner control
·Break down the materials to be learned into meaningful unit so that the students able to accept and memorize the knowledge.

Learner activity
·Teacher stays in the background as a ‘facilitator’, facilitator means a person who help somebody do something more easily by discussing problems, giving advice and so on, rather than telling them what to do. It is more to scaffolding them.

Cooperative / cooperative learning
·Studying with other learners to reach a common learning goal.
·It is crucial for the system or learning
·Cooperative learning more structured (teacher has the control) than collaborative learning

Goal orientation
·Should be clear to the learner
·Best results are attained when the goals of the learning material, teacher and student are closely aligned

·The approach taken in learning material should correspond to the skills that the learner will later need in everyday and working life

Added value
·Usually in the form of creative use of the possibilities that the computer offers for example voice, image, video files
·Induce creativity in learners when using the learning materials.

·Consciously / subconsciously goal-oriented
·Support the direction of an individual’s general behavior
·Key concepts of motivation include incentives, self-regulation, expectations, attributions of failure and success, performance or learning goals, intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation.
·Intrinsic goal orientation strives to reach learning goal for they own purpose. (self-desire for self satisfaction)
·Extrinsic goal orientation strives to be better than other; it is either to achieve reward or to avoid punishment.

Valuation of previous knowledge
·Learning material used associates with previous learning.

·Suite the learner’s individual differences.
·Contents of the learning material should contains diverse assignments that more adaptable and so that it will easier to combine them to fit the student’s individual needs.

·System or learning material should provide immediate feedback to increases learning motivation as well as helps the student to understand the problematic parts in their learning.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Technology & Education : What Say You?

Write an article on the topic integrating technology in teaching writing. It can be anything related to the slides, own opinion. How you would use it in future.

Nowadays, technology is playing an important role in human’s life. The benefit of using technology is a fact that everyone cannot deny. We can see through every aspect in this world influenced food and shelter using machine. Indeed in education, technology has brought rapid development in the process of educating people.
   From the presentation last week I have learn not just about the benefits that technology bring, but I also learn what are the disadvantages of using them. Well the advantages or benefits are, technology improves the quality of student work. In addition, technology improves students attitudes towards learning. In the other hand, we can do collaboration writing with peer. Likewise, it increases motivation and self esteem and improves students skills such as thinking, problem solving and writing skills as well.While the disadvantages or issues are, teacher not well equipped with knowledge to apply those technology in teaching. Other than that, lack of technology devices are also affected the challenges in integrating technology in writing classroom. In the same way, the possibility of students being distracted while using these technology also highly argued. There are solution in every disadvantages of using technology. For example, the government should equipped school with enough and latest technology. Likewise, parents and teachers should cooperate to voice out the younger generation needs. 

In future,how would I use technology in teaching?
I will definitely use technology in teaching. To avoid the problem that may appear in using these technology, I will seek for an advice from senior teacher and I will make sure that I have all the knowledge in using technology. Other than that, I will seek for a help from student's parent in order to facilitate students work. As a result for that, the possibility of students to get distracted using technology will be reduced.
In teaching, I will make use of all helpful material from the education website.  In order to improve my students writing, I will create for example WebQuest or create a class with a Web Site. It is because, the Web is an excellent way to communicate with students and their parents or guardians. I can include course information, assignments, lecture notes and presentations, links to interesting sites, challenges, study tools, links to textbook Web sites, and many other features.

As a teacher for sure,I need to remain focused on the purpose of each activity when I conducted a lesson. I have to make clear learning objective for each lesson and most important are, I should prepare with back- up lesson plan in case technology malfunction.

Mini Test!

Question 1.

Use the picture given to write instructions for TWO activities. Your instructions must be specific and engaging. 

My Instructions;

a) You and your family are attending a wedding of your parent's friend in Hayatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel. On you way, you have lost the invitation card. Your father call the bride to ask the direction. Fill in the conversation dialogue below 

Dad: Can you tell us the direction to the hotel because we has lost the invitation card?
Bride: Yes, where is your location right now?
Dad: We are currently at Jalan Haji saman. 
Bride: Alright. ______________ you will see the Kinabalu Daya Hotel._____________ Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen . _________________ Hayatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel before the roundabout.
Dad: Thank you. See you there!.

b) You are having a vacation in Kota Kinabalu Sabah. You cousin has just send you an email asking you what interesting there. Reply his email by giving description and location of the place where you can do this activity:
Shopping and eating western cuisine.
In you email , you should include the information about where to go for further information about interesting places in Sabah. Your email should not more than 100words.

Question 2.
You are teaching the theme 'Environment' to a form three class with intermediate level of proficiency. Describe one activity on how to integrate the following thinking skills into your lesson. (6 marks)

The activity that we can do on this effect is writing an essay on the effect of pollution to human health using picture.

(A) Analysis
Soil pollution are caused by human activities.
Water pollution- contaminated water destroy a living!
I will give them a picture of Type of pollution which are consist of water, air and soil pollution. From the picture, I will do brainstorming with the students and analysis what are the causes and effects of the pollution's to human health.

(B) Application
From the brainstorming activity, I ask the students to come up with 180words essay on the effect of pollution to human health. In their essay they are applying what have we discussed before.


Responding To Student's Writing

Read the essay distributed. Decide what to do with the errors. Are you going to use  written comments, talk to the writer or use checklist? Will you encourage peer edit before the next submission? What is your follow-up activity to deal with the most common errors found in your essay? <------------------- The Instruction!

I don't have the picture of the essay so i just go with my opinion .
The essay that distributed to me has some grammatical error. For example, the student who wrote the essay are not able to use inappropriate past tense. To deal with the error, I will take 'talk about the paper' approaches. I will meet the student privately maybe at teachers room so I can focus on the dialogue and the students as well can pay more attention rather than doing it in class which may cause distraction from his/her classmate. Yes, I will encourage peer editing as it can help students to deal with common mistakes or error on their essay. As a help for them  to do the editing, I will provide them a check list so they can check in that part. 

What can I do to deal with Tenses error?
I could do mix and match activity regarding the changes of word when we use a tenses.

Present Tense            

Past Tense

Seriously Serious Gaming!

Inside The Haiti Earthquake - The Serious Game.

Our lecturer asked to play this game and she want us to give reflection after playing it. Well, at first I thought it was just an ordinary game. After trying it, I felt different and I have new perspective about gaming; The bright side of game of course for the educational purpose. In the game, I choose a rule as a survivor and what had i experienced when playing that game I can simplify below:
1) I know how its feel like being in an earthquake situation. This is because the game uses a real visual aid that make it live. (Picture,Scene,Voice)
2) I realise that I have been so ignorant as I do not really care when it happen. Thus, it make me grateful because I live in a place where out of such a danger zone.
3) Playing this game is not just for fun. We can use game as a tool for learning too!

How to Integrate This game In writing Lesson?Any Activity?
There are some activity that I can create for writing lesson such as:

  • I asked them to play this game. After that, I asked them to write an essay based on the role they have chosen in this game. They have to include the process of playing that game. 
  • In addition, I can also ask them to describe the earthquake tragedy.
  • In the other hand, I can ask them to come out with an essay on cause and effects of earthquake. For making this learning activity successful, I should give them an information about the earthquake. For example, I tell them WH question about the game. So that, students know more about the issue that helps them to create a successful essay. 

                                                                                       Rational VS Self judgement
What are The Advantages Using Game as A Learning Medium to Students?
It is true the fact that using game in teaching are applicable, but we have to know and study the possibility for students to get distracted by these game. As a solution for the issue i mention above, I think we can use this method successively by giving fully guidance to the students.
Through this game, students can learn the moral value such as to be grateful, patience and help other who needs.Thus, they can apply it in daily life. As a future teacher, we cant simply says that we will use game in teaching writing. It needs a self judgement whether we can carry a lesson using these or not. In my opinion, it is good to challenge our ability to teach by using this game. Thus,we have to plan a lesson properly or otherwise we could fail!

Assessing To The Students Writing.

This is assessing, responding and learning process.

Assessing and responding to the students essay is a way to learn for both students and teachers. 

    In the situation of teachers assessing or responding to students’ essay, students could learn how to improve themselves in their writing. While for the teachers, they will be able to know their students weak point and most important it’ll make teacher THINK and use (apply) their knowledge in teaching.  For this task, we were given an essay written by students. Our lecturer asked us to asses or marking for the essay. This is a group work, so I have a discussion before decided to give mark for the essay.

The moment I do this task, I actually have not got the essay’s picture. So I just make use of what I have with me. The picture below shows the marking scheme that we refer before giving marks. The marking process started with reading through the essay. After that we marks in every mistakes or error in that essay.Then, we refer to the marking scheme to get the classification or level of the essay.

Focusing on the essay, we think that it is well planned because we can see the plot or flow of the essay. Although it was understandable, there are problems in the grammar aspect. After a discussion and an analysis we decided to give this essay 12marks out of 20marks. The reason why we gave 12marks are:

The marking scheme as a guideline in assessing essays. 

1) The student shows an understanding of writing and topic development.
- The student understand what he/her trying to write.

2) There are Mechanical errors in his/her essay that affect communication. For example, in the area of spelling and punctuation.
Spelling - 'want' to 'went'
Punctuation- Overuse of full-stop.

So, we gave this student a pass!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Enhance Students Thinking Skills With Writing Activity.

From Bloom’s Taxonomy (Higher Order Thinking Skills) and Kemahiran Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah (KBSM) to an activity.

For this task, I choose an Analysis cognitive level in creating a simple activity. So, the activity would be:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The teacher will give the students an essay on the effects of smoking. Then, the students read the essay paragraph by paragraph. After that, the teachers ask the students to identify the thesis statement from each paragraph. Simple right?. To make an activity, you should remember the keyword of Analysis cognitive level. 
Theme : Health                                                                                                   

The key words are :
analyze, appraise, breakdown, calculate, categorize, classify, compare, contrast, criticize, derive, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, identify, illustrate, infer, interpret, model, outline, point out, question, relate, select, separate, subdivide, test.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Songs and Movies related to the Theme from the 'Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran (HSP)' for Primary and Secondary ESL Students.

Theme : Friendship 

Songs for Secondary students :

You've Got a Friend by James Taylor,  Thank You for Being a Friend- Andrew Gold ,  Lean On Me - Bill Withers,  I'll Be There for You by The Rembrandts, Umbrella by Rihanna,  You're My Best Friend by Queen, Friends by Elton John,  With A Little Help From My Friends by The Beatles,  You Got A Friend by James Taylor (also Carole King) , Gift of a Friend by Demi Lovato , True Friend by Miley Cyrus ,  Now and forever by  Carole king,  Wind beneath my wings by Bette Midler,  Friend of mine by Kelly price,  A friend like you by geof moore,  Best friend by brandy, I will be your friend by coco lee

Songs for Primary students :

1, 2, 3, Four-Ever Friends by Colleen & Uncle Squty, Because We're Friends– Music with Mar, Best Friend-Gemini, Best Friends– The W.L.A. Children's Choir, Circle of Friends– Ron Brown, Circle of Friends– Colleen and Uncle Squaty , Circle of Friends Medley– Judy Leonard, Finding a Good Friend – Kids' Value Pack, Flipper the Seal – Two of a Kind 

Credit :

Movies :

An intimate friendship, An Officer and a Gentleman, Beaches, Boys On The Side, Brokedown Palace, Circle Of Friends, Clueless, Corrina- Corrina, Crimes Of The Heart, Enchanted April, Entre Nous, First Wives Club, Frat Daze, Fried Green Tomatoes, Frog And Wombat, Secret Garden,
Shot Through The Heart, Stand By Me, Steel Magnolias, Terms Of Endearment, The Colour Purple, Toy Story & Toy Story 2, Thelma And Louise, Waiting To Exhale, Wayne's World, Whales Of August

Theme : Family

Songs for Primary students: 

A Family is a Family by Skip West, A Family Is What You Make It– Jim Rule, A Feast– Gemini, A Hug– The W. L. A. Children's Choir, Because I Said So!– Jim Rule, Big Bushy Mustache– Sam Jones, Cousins– Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín, Daddies– Marilyn M. Linford, Daddies are Special People– Music with Mar, Daddy, Do You Wanna? By Susan Harrison,  Everybody Has a Family– Music with Mar,Family– J.W. Snyder, Family– Carol Johnson, Family are Special People to Me- Songs For Positive Schools, Family Dance– Dr. Thomas Moore


 Stitch! The Movie, Stuart Little 2, Summer Hours, Summer Storm, Surf's Up, Tadpole, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Tarzan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: the Secret of the Ooze, The Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl, The Adventures of Tintin, The Air Up There, The Bernie Mac Show - Season 1, The Cat Returns, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Cosby Show - First Season, The Flintstones: Complete First Season, The Goonies, The Great Debaters, The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, The Jerk, The Karate Kid, The Last Airbender, The Last Song, The Lion King 1 ½, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(1988), The Mighty Ducks, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor,The Muppets, The Namesake, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, The Orphanage, The Pacifier, The Perfect Game, The Pirates! Band of Misfits, The Princess and the Frog, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Sleepy Time Gal, The Smurfs, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, The Spy Next Door, The Super Mario Bros,The Tigger Movie, The Wild, Tooth Fairy, Touchback, Toy Story, Tropic Thunder, Two Brothers, Up, Waiting for 'Superman', WALL-E, Whisper of the Heart, Wreck-It Ralph, Yogi Bear, Zookeeper

Theme : Nature

Songs :

Go Green – Pam Minor, A Habitat Song – Learning by Song, All the Trees are Standing – Fran Avni, Bring Back the Bat – Nancy, Schimmel and Fran Avni, Can it! Save the Planet! – Music with Mar.,The Composters – Stan Slaughter, Conservation Nation – J. P. Taylor, Cosmic Stew – Stan Slaughter, Decomposers – Kenny Hood, The Earth is My Mother – Carol Johnson, Environment Change – Musically Aligned, Feed It to the Worms – Stan Slaughter, Feel the Power – Judy Leonard, Five Little Leaves – Jackie Cytrynbaum, From a Seed Into a Tree – Music Movement & Magination, Garbage – Bill Steele, Garden Boogie – Pam Minor, Gettin’ Ready (for the winter) – Mark Szabo, Going On A Bush Walk – Prue Whoo, Habitat – Bill Oliver/Jeff Schroede

Videos :

Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series, Wild China, Frozen Planet: The Complete Series (David Attenborough-Narrated Version), Silence & Solitude: Yellowstone's Winter Wilderness, National Geographic: The Nature Collection, Earth's Natural Wonders, Over Alaska,  Nature: The World of Nature, The Best of Nature: 25 Years Lynn Sherr, BBC Atlas of the Natural World, Africa/Europe (Wild Africa / Congo / The First Eden / Europe - A Natural History) by Fergal Keane, BBC Atlas of the Natural World - Western Hemisphere and Antarctica (Land of the Eagle / Spirits of the Jaguar / Wild South America / Life in the Freezer) ,BBC Atlas: West Hemisphere & Antarctica Africa Euro