Checkpoint 1: The example of language learning material
- Laptop, computer, camera, smartphone.
- Power-point, Prezi, Youtube.
- Schoology, Edmodo.
- Twitter, Blog, Facebook, My Space.
Checkpoint 2: List down SLA theories and principles that support the DLLM
·Innatist theory·Behaviourist theory·Interactionist theory·Principles of teaching and learning
- Materials should achieve impact
- materials should help learners to feel at ease
- materials should help learners to develop confidence
- materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment
- materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communication purposes
- materials should take into account that Ls differ in learning styles
- materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both left and right brain activities
- materials should provide opportunities for outcome and feedback
- materials should reflect the reality of language use
Checkpoint 3: sketch out a rough outline of your DLLM
a) Activity that emphasize on writing skills
Choose a poem or short story – read and summarize the poem / short story – students upload their work at
b) Activity that emphasize on speaking skills (focusing on pronunciation)
Students get into group – each group choose one short stories (restriction: each group must choose different short story) – each group will act the climax part of the short story and record it using camera, smartphone etc – transfer the video into disk/CD-ROM
Checkpoint 4: Criteria for technical usability
• Depends on how long a beginner use a system before they could learn a particular skills that needed them to complete a particular task.
• Measuring how well an experienced user handling an application after they have mastered it.
•The ability of an experienced user who has learned the particular system and are able to remember its operational principles.
•Divided into two, which are:
-less serious error= disturb the work of the user, and
-serious error=endanger the preservability of the users’ outputs.
Learner control
·Break down the materials to be learned into meaningful unit so that the students able to accept and memorize the knowledge.
Learner activity
·Teacher stays in the background as a ‘facilitator’, facilitator means a person who help somebody do something more easily by discussing problems, giving advice and so on, rather than telling them what to do. It is more to scaffolding them.
Cooperative / cooperative learning
·Studying with other learners to reach a common learning goal.
·It is crucial for the system or learning
·Cooperative learning more structured (teacher has the control) than collaborative learning
Goal orientation
·Should be clear to the learner
·Best results are attained when the goals of the learning material, teacher and student are closely aligned
·The approach taken in learning material should correspond to the skills that the learner will later need in everyday and working life
Added value
·Usually in the form of creative use of the possibilities that the computer offers for example voice, image, video files
·Induce creativity in learners when using the learning materials.
·Consciously / subconsciously goal-oriented
·Support the direction of an individual’s general behavior
·Key concepts of motivation include incentives, self-regulation, expectations, attributions of failure and success, performance or learning goals, intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation.
·Intrinsic goal orientation strives to reach learning goal for they own purpose. (self-desire for self satisfaction)
·Extrinsic goal orientation strives to be better than other; it is either to achieve reward or to avoid punishment.
Valuation of previous knowledge
·Learning material used associates with previous learning.
·Suite the learner’s individual differences.
·Contents of the learning material should contains diverse assignments that more adaptable and so that it will easier to combine them to fit the student’s individual needs.
·System or learning material should provide immediate feedback to increases learning motivation as well as helps the student to understand the problematic parts in their learning.