Friday 12 October 2012

Unit 2b : Task 1 - Describing People Around You!

Shape : round,wide-eyes,slanted-eyes,sleepy-eyes,pop-eyes,deep-eyes,narrow-eyes,doe-eyes
Eye ball colour : hazel, brown,dark brown,black,blue,green.
Shape : round, square-shaped, heart-shaped, diamond-shaped, oval-shaped, triangular
Face with expression : sullen, glowering, beatific, brooding, unreadable
Big, small, long, thin
Dark, brown, pale, pasty, tanned, sallow, albino, pallid, fair, rosy, radiant, glowing, spotless, freckles, pimples, wrinkles, rough, oily, dry, fresh-faced, baby- faced, good looking
Sharp, long, short, turned up, wide, narrow, bulky, jagged, shabby, plump, curved nose, pointed nose
Chubby, dimpled, plump, curved cheeks
Colour : peach, rosy, sun tanned
Big, small, broad, thin, hard, soft, pale, juicy, sexy, full, warm, down turned lips, large full lips, sharp lips, uneven lips, oval lips , chapped, luscious
Shape with expression : frown, grin, laugh
Small, big, long, short, fat, firm, soft, muscular, strong, hard, rough, dirty
Slim, thin, fat, plump, muscular, sexy, curved, obese, well-build, bonny, tubby
Height : tall, short
Clothes, shoes, accessories
Dress code : formal, semi-formal, classy, simple, striking, cool, elegant, casual, skimpy, messy
Shoes, clothes : branded, non-branded, trendy, out dated
Fabric : cotton, leather, silk, denim
Top : blouse, tank top, singlet, cardigan.  Bottom : Short pants, jeans, trousers
Foot wear :slippers, sandals, high heel, boot, flat shoes
Accessories :watch, ear-rings, bracelet, hair clips

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